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Student Complaints

A variety of channels exist at the University of Denver to resolve problems that a student may encounter. 具体的程序,比如学费上诉, 学术决定或成绩申诉如下.

Occasionally, a student will encounter a problem on campus that he or she does not know how to resolve. When this happens, students should always try to work out the problem by first discussing it with those most involved with the issue. Dealing with concerns in the most direct and honest fashion should always be the first step toward resolution. Most problems are resolved when a student makes an appointment with a faculty or staff member and calmly and honestly communicates his/her frustrations or concerns.

If a problem still exists, the resources and formal processes listed below are available.

Sometimes DU students find they are particularly pleased with how something has been handled for them, 他们是如何得到特定工作人员的协助的, the positive experience they had in a specific class or some other outstanding thing that happened to them at DU. As a student, you should know that the same avenues used to lodge a concern can also be used to provide a written compliment or note of appreciation.


Students may petition for an exception to academic policy through the Academic Exceptions processes or file a grievance of an academic decision through the Academic Grievance process. 其他资料可参阅以下网页:

Grade Appeals

Grade appeals must be based on problems of process and not on differences in judgment or opinion concerning academic performance. 其他资料可参阅以下网页:

Tuition Appeals

The reversal of tuition and fee charges associated with the withdrawal from a course are governed by the University's published tuition refund dates and percentages, 在注册处网站上公布的资料. 在学生无法控制的情有可原的情况下, 学生可以对公布的日期和百分比提出例外申诉. Information related to submitting an appeal may be found on the following Web page:

Tuition Appeal


对歧视的关注或抱怨, harassment, or retaliation should be directed to the 多样性和平等机会办公室:

2199 S. University Blvd.
Denver, Colorado 80208



Complaints regarding online or distance learning programs offered by the University of Denver may be directed to the Office of the Registrar:

Office of the Registrar
2197 S. University Blvd.
Denver, Colorado 80208

Students who are not satisfied with their resolution may also file a complaint with the 科罗拉多高等教育系,无论该项目在哪个州提供. 此外,学生也可以向学校投诉 state agency.


Complaints or grievances that cannot be resolved by the relevant office or procedures above may be directed to the Office of the Chancellor. Formal complaints should be in writing and include a clear description of the issue and description of the efforts to resolve the concern. 投诉可寄往以下地址:

Office of the Chancellor
University of Denver
2199 S. University Blvd.
Denver, Colorado 80208


Several external agencies are also available to students who have exhausted all other opportunities for resolution.


The 科罗拉多高等教育系 regulates Colorado institutions of higher education. 他们的投诉政策可在此查阅:

通过远程学习和其他项目, 新MG线上电子游戏在世界各地提供教学. 学生可以直接向所在州的监管机构投诉. A list of U.S. 可以在国家教育管理机构上找到 State Contacts page.

Higher Learning Commission

Complaints regarding the institution's ongoing ability to meet the criteria of institutional accreditation may be directed to the Higher Learning Commission. Individuals interested in bringing an appropriate complaint to the attention of the Commission should take some time to compile a complete submission, as outlined below. There is no complaint form.

  1. Write a cover letter directed to the Commission containing a brief narrative of the facts of the complaint. 在大多数情况下,这样的叙述不需要超过几页.
  2. Indicate in your complaint why you believe the issues raised in your complaint are accrediting issues. If possible, please review the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation on the Commission's website prior to writing this section.
    You should also indicate how you believe the Commission can assist you with this matter. 请记住,委员会不能帮助你了解你的学费账单, 安排退还学费, 在某门课程中获得更高的分数, 寻求恢复学术课程, etc.
  3. 尽可能附上文件来支持你的叙述. (For example, 如果你在投诉中提及学校的政策, 在你的投诉中附上一份保险单的复印件.有用的文档可能包括目录的相关部分, 您与该机构之间的信件或电子邮件往来, learning agreements, etc.
  4. A few reminders:
    • 请将您的投诉打好或打印整齐.
    • 请不要使用缩写或昵称(如.g., NMS or USC or U of N).
    • 在求职信上签名并注明日期.
    • 包括未来通信的联系信息,街道地址.
    • 如果你是代表别人(儿子/女儿或客户)写的, be sure to provide that person’s consent in writing to allow you to communicate with the Commission on his/her behalf.
  5. Mail the letter and its attachments to the Commission’s office at 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604-1413. The Commission does not have an online complaint system and does not accept complaints via email.

Please note that the Commission will not consider those complaints that are not in writing and do not contain the elements noted here. The Commission’s complaint policy precludes it from considering matters more than 5 years old.

The Commission will acknowledge your complaint within thirty days of receiving it and let you know whether your complaint is complete and whether it raises issues that are related to accrediting requirements or whether it is an individual dispute outside the jurisdiction of the Commission’s complaint policy.

Email questions to