Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Students

Building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community at DU for students is essential.

亲和团体是围绕一个共同的身份或共同的目标而形成的,目的是在少数群体成员之间建立社区,并在更广泛的大学中培养包容性和意识. These groups play an important role in building an inclusive campus environment.

Below you will find the active student groups on campus that build community around shared identity. 


The Cultural Center

The mission of The Cultural Center is to create an environment where students of color, students of marginalized faiths and LGBTQ+ students can critically engage their historical legacies, while enhancing their educational, intellectual and personal/professional interest as it relates to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic, and cultural sensibilities; while providing a physical safe haven for respite and dialogue as they navigate their journey at the University of Denver.

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Student Groups

African Students United

Our mission African Students United is to create a space to celebrate educate, and participate in the understanding of the many rich, diverse cultures of Africa. Through African cultural events, it will introduce multiple features of African food, dance, music, etc. 该组织的目的是为MG线上电子游戏的非洲学生及其盟友提供服务,以创建一个包容性的机构. 非洲学生联合会的最终目标是使这一身份在校园里得到庆祝和赞赏.

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Asian Student Alliance

MG线上电子游戏亚洲学生联盟(ASA DU)的使命是为校园里的每个亚裔美国学生提供一个支持小组,同时解决学术问题, political, 通过社区活动培养不同群体之间更强的理解来解决社会问题, volunteering in the local community, and networking on campus. While we are Asian interest, we are not Asian exclusive. ASA还将与所有其他学生组织和亲和团体合作,促进和教育社区的包容性卓越.

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Black Graduate Student Alliance

MG线上电子游戏的黑人研究生协会(BGSA)旨在提供和促进宣传, community, resource-sharing, and professional development. For more information please contact the 2021-2022 President, Cory Jackson, or Advisor, Dr. Andriette Jordan-Fields.

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Black Student Alliance

MG线上电子游戏的黑人学生联盟是一个致力于促进MG线上电子游戏意识和团结的组织. One of our organization's main focuses is to foster the personal development of our membership, and to encourage them to become active community contributors.

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Catholic Student Fellowship

Catholic Student Fellowship is the community of Catholics on campus at the University of Denver. CSF的主要使命是接受耶稣基督进入其成员的心,以便通过他们的生活和外展, others may come to know and love Him and His Church. Through the virtues of Solidarity and Subsidiarity, CSF provides opportunities for students at DU to receive the sacraments, participate in formation, and rejoice in the of the Body of Christ on campus.

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MG线上电子游戏的查巴德致力于通过各种项目为校园内的所有学生提供服务. We provide the education and means to support knowledge, awareness, and practice of Judaism, 它允许所有背景的学生体验校园里每个学生的个人宗教传统,因为犹太传统强烈反对改变宗教信仰和对话, 非犹太学生可以参加一些可能包含宗教仪式的项目,作为一种文化和教育体验.

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Chinese Students and Scholars Association

MG线上电子游戏中国学生学者联谊会(CSSA)的使命是为MG线上电子游戏校园内所有对中国文化感兴趣的中国学生、学者和其他学生提供学术和社交服务, co-work with other CSSAs across the nation, and on campus. CSSA还将与国际学生组织和其他学生组织合作,推广中国文化.

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International Student Organization

国际学生组织是一个由学生管理的组织,旨在促进杜克大学周围各种不同的文化. Through the creation and promotion of a variety of events, we seek to both allow students to express their culture in a welcoming environment; while allowing unexposed students the opportunity to experience new cultures. At times, it can be difficult for students to be in an environment so different from their own; so we also seek to create spaces where a community can unite and friendships can form. We seek this not only with international students, but with all University of Denver students.

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Invisible Illness Club

我们的使命是帮助校园内的学生和教职员工更加意识到,并非每种疾病都有明显的症状. We strive to educate others and reduce the stigma that surrounds invisible illnesses.

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Latinx Student Alliance

拉丁裔学生联盟的目的是通过促进文化意识和包容性,为校园拉丁裔人口创建并提供一个强大而积极的支持团体. In order to address academic, social, and political issues LSA will provide cultural events, community involvement, advocacy, and student support while cooperating with other groups and communities across campus. In doing so, LSA will promote awareness and unity throughout the University of Denver.

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Middle Eastern Cultural Association

为DU提供一个旨在探索从摩洛哥海岸延伸到阿拉伯半岛的中东文化和遗产的组织. 该组织还将成为阿拉伯学生与所有对阿拉伯世界和文化感兴趣的人之间的桥梁,讨论围绕阿拉伯世界的相关话题.

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Muslim Student Association

MG线上电子游戏的穆斯林学生协会(MSA)是一个非排他性的学生组织,由MG线上电子游戏的学生组成,他们有兴趣在校园里的穆斯林少数民族和更大的MG线上电子游戏社区之间建立桥梁. We provide access and engagement to the Muslim community on campus and create a prophetic community.

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Native Student Alliance

土著学生联盟是MG线上电子游戏的一个社区,由(但不限于)美国土著血统的学生和教师组成. 作为一个组织,我们的主要目标是提高DU校园的知名度和盟友,并为成员提供奖学金和支持, as well as promoting diversity. Starting with just seven students in the Native community, that has now turned into having more than thirty Native students on campus. Our group is diverse in terms of culture, language and tradition. 我们每天都在学习,这是我们独特的品质之一,帮助我们坚持不懈.

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Queer Student Alliance

We strive to create a system that: encourages cooperation, coordination, cohesion, and communication among all students; enhances student development through educational and social programming; promotes the welfare of the university community as a whole through advocacy; and establishes an effective and representative body for LGBTQIA+ related issues.

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South Asian Student Association

Our mission is to embody the equivalent of a cultural center for South Asian students on campus. 我们努力创造一个包容的社区,使庆祝和讨论我们的文化,同时告知他人. By creating such an environment, students have a safe place to practice their culture in case they are unable to otherwise.

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